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Quotes On: Unity

I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
Two such as you with such a master speed, cannot be parted nor be swept away, from one another once you are agreed, that life is only life forevermore, together wing to wing and oar to oar.
Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.
Olympics for me is love, peace, united.
To the best of my judgment, I have labored for, and not against, the Union. As I have not felt, so I have not expressed any harsh sentiment towards our Southern brethren. I have constantly declared, as I really believed, the only difference between them and us is the difference of circumstances.
Some single mind must be master, else there will be no agreement in anything.
If the great American people will only keep their temper, on both sides of the line, the troubles will come to an end, and the question which now distracts the country will be settled just as surely as all other difficulties of like character which have originated in this government have been adjusted.
I laugh because I must not cry, that is all, that is all.
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.

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