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Quote By Thomas Fuller

Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye.

English Churchman And Historian
Born: June 19, 1608
Died: August 16, 1661
Thomas Fuller was an English clergyman, historian, and writer. Educated at Queens' College, Cambridge, he was known for his eloquent preaching and profound knowledge.

Explanation Of The Quote

This quote suggests that when selecting a life partner, it's important to prioritize qualities and compatibility over superficial appearances. Listening to and understanding a person's character and values is more crucial than relying solely on physical attraction.

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He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician.

No man can be happy without a friend, nor be sure of his friend till he is unhappy.

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

The noblest revenge is to forgive.

All doors open to courtesy.

Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away.

If you would have a good wife, marry one who has been a good daughter.

He’s my friend that speaks well of me behind my back.

It is said that the darkest hour of the night comes just before the dawn.

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