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Quote By Gautama Buddha

Do Not Overrate What You Have Received Nor Envy Others. He Who Envies Others Does Not Obtain Peace Of Mind.

Gautama buddha profile image
Founder of Buddhism
Born: c. 563 BCE or 480 BCE
Died: c. 483 BCE or 400 BCE
Gautama Buddha, born a prince, renounced luxury for enlightenment. His teachings on suffering and spiritual liberation laid Buddhism's foundation, influencing millions worldwide.

Explanation Of The Quote

This quote advises against both overestimating one's own possessions and envying what others have. Excessive attachment to material wealth or envy of others can disrupt one's inner peace and contentment. Gautama Buddha encourages finding contentment and peace within oneself rather than seeking them externally.

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The Past Is Already Gone. The Future Is Not Yet Here. There’s Only One Moment For You To Live.

To Be Idle Is A Short Road To Death And To Be Diligent Is A Way Of Life Foolish People Are Idle. Wise People Are Diligent.

The Way Is Not In The Sky The Way Is In The Heart.

The root of suffering is attachment.

Peace Comes From Within. Do Not Seek It Without.

Drop By Drop Is The Water Pot Filled. Likewise, The Wise Man Gathering It Little By Little Fills Himself With Good.

Better Than A Thousand Hollow Words Is One Word That Brings Peace.

Thousands Of Candles Can Be Lighted From A Single Candle And The Life Of The Candle Will Not Be Shortened, Happiness Never Decreases By Being Shared.

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Whatever Words We Utter Should Be Chosen With Care For People Will Hear Them And Be Influenced By Them For Good Or Ill.

Purity Or Impurity Depends On Oneself No One Can Purify Another.

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